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Communication22 August 2024

Insights into the work of the Cyber Data Technologies team at the CYD Campus

The Cyber Data Technologies (CDT) team forms an integral part of the Cyber-Defence Campus. It works on the interface between research and development in cyber data technologies. The innovative work carried out by the CDT team is a significant factor in improving the security and efficiency of the Armed Forces in cyber space.

29 July 2024

Cyber-Defence Campus Netiquette rules

We invite you to visit our social media channels and interact with us and other people. The comment columns are intended as a place for lively debate. You can contribute to an atmosphere of respect and polite behaviour by observing the following:

Press releases16 July 2024

Study results on threats and impacts of generative artificial intelligence on cyber security

The emergence of new cyber technologies is also accompanied by new threats and impacts. The Cyber-Defence Campus  is publishing an Open Access study on this topic for the second time. This highlights the risks and challenges which arise through the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in cyber security. The study helps experts and decision-makers from public administration and industry in assessing the risks of use and the development of security measures.

Press releases27 June 2024

Swiss Team uses SCION to connect to Estonia during Cyber-Defense Exercise

During the Locked Shields 2024 cyber defense exercise in April this year, the Swiss team used the SCION network architecture to connect to the exercise infrastructure in Estonia. The Cyber-Defence Campus supported the Swiss team in creating the SCION connection.

Communication11 June 2024

Lucrative Innovation Day of the Cyber-Defence Campus

The Cyber Defence Campus organized an Innovation Day for stakeholders from the Confederation and cantons on 15 May 2024. This was very well received: over 100 participants took part in the event.

Press releases31 May 2024

Successful crisis simulation strengthens cybersecurity capabilities in Switzerland

In response to the increasing complexity of cyber security at the national level, the Cyber-Defence Campus was commissioned with the pilot project «Cyber Training @ Cyber-Defence Campus». The pilot project was launched in connection with the National Cyber Strategy (NCS) of the Federal Council. The aim of the project is to bring together various organizations of national importance as a community and to provide them with a well-founded range of cyber training courses. These exercises are primarily aimed at cantonal and federal authorities, police units and critical infrastructures and are designed in close cooperation with the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Synergies with industry and the Swiss Armed Forces Cyber Training Range are also utilized.

Communication8 May 2024

From research at the Cyber-Defence Campus to the capabilities of the Federal Administration's cyber defence

The collaboration between Dr Vincent Lenders, Head of the Cyber Defence Campus and Dr David Gugelmann of Exeon Analytics, has helped to further advance the development of the Confederation's cyber security. Exeon Analytics' software aims to significantly reduce the amount of time cyber attackers can operate undetected in networks. The idea for Exeon Analytics was born during Dr Gugelmann's doctoral thesis at ETH Zurich, which was supervised by Dr Lenders.

Press releases30 April 2024

Insights into security-relevant smartphone innovations at the Cyber Defence Campus

As part of its innovation activities, the Cyber Defence Campus is investigating the potential of various smartphone security technologies. Through such investigations, the CYD Campus provides a great deal of support when it comes to cyber security in Switzerland. Among other things, one of these innovation projects focuses on security in the use of smartphones.

Communication7 March 2024

First Successful Quantum Computing Experiments at the Cyber-Defence Campus

The Cyber-Defence Campus is currently conducting tests on quantum computing. The aim of this project is to implement the so-called Shor algorithm with open source code. The CYD Campus aims to evaluate the ongoing progress of quantum computers, particularly with regard to their ability to crack existing encryption methods.

Communication14 February 2024

Machine learning enables early-warning signals to be recognised in the event of social instability

The Cyber-Defence Campus has developed new techniques of machine learning in cooperation with the start-up and ETH Lausanne. Thanks to these new techniques, early-warning signals for socially disruptive events such as riots, wars or revolutions can be recognised and identified in social media.

Press releases4 January 2024

Cyber trend monitoring gains importance at Cyber-Defence Campus

Digital technologies offer strong potential for Switzerland, but it is crucial to understand which opportunities and risks, as well as which dependencies, arise when using them. One of the goals of the DDPS’ cyber strategy is to be as technically autonomous as possible. To this end, competence in the area of cyber trend monitoring was reinforced in 2023 as part of the NCS National Cyber Strategy at the Cyber-Defence Campus. An entire team is now devoted exclusively to monitoring the digital technologies relevant for Switzerland, focusing on the cyber area.

Communication2 November 2023

CYD Campus examines the cyber security research landscape in Switzerland

Research in the area of cyber security is an important pillar in protection against cyber threats. The study compiled by armasuisse Science and Technology provides the first quantitative assessment of the Swiss cyber security research landscape by evaluating the full-time equivalents in various different research areas. It aims to serve as a basis for political decision-makers, universities, industry and funding organisations, to address potential imbalances in research, to create incentives for strategic areas and to identify possible blind spots.

Press releases2 November 2023

Cyber Start-up Challenge 2023: Start-up Ostorlab convinces the DDPS

The Cyber-Defence Campus has launched a challenge to promote relevant start-ups and innovative technologies in the cyber area. At the fourth edition of the Cyber Start-up Challenge, the company Ostorlab proved very impressive with its application scanner, which performs security analyses for mobile applications. In 2024, the company will be able to implement its solution in a feasibility study tailor-made for the Armed Forces and thus demonstrate it in a real environment for the DDPS.

Communication18 September 2023

Cyber-Defence Campus Hackathon on Forensics in Energy Systems

The Cyber-Defence Campus organised a hackathon on the topic of attack detection in energy systems from 11 – 14 September 2023 together with the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU). In addition, appropriate courses – particularly for specialists from energy supply companies – were offered this year as part of the «Cyber Training» pilot project.

Press releases16 May 2023

CYD Proof of Concept Fellowship

The Cyber Defence Campus and the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have jointly launched a new talent programme. The aim of the CYD Proof of Concept Fellowship is to develop innovative solutions to challenges in cybersecurity and data science through applied research. Are you a future entrepreneur with an innovative idea for the Swiss cyber defence?

Communication8 March 2023

Annual Report CYD Campus 2022

The Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus, armasuisse Science and Technology, has now published its second annual report. It grants the cyber community and other interested parties a detailed insight into its activities in 2022. The report highlights various CYD Campus activities, such as its research and innovation projects, technology and market monitoring and the expansion of laboratory infrastructures.

Communication26 February 2023

Collaborative Approach to Eliminating Cyber Security Vulnerabilities

After a successful hackathon organised by the Cyber-Defence Campus of armasuisse Science and Technology in cooperation with the Cyber Battalion 42, the discovery of hitherto unknown security vulnerabilities in industrial control systems (ICS) has now been published. The hackathon, which brought together experts from science, business and government in September 2022, served as a platform for the collaborative investigation of potential security risks.

27 November 2022

Lunchseminar Post-Quantum Cryptography

This week’s Cyber-Defence Campus lunch seminar revolved around the topic of postquantum cryptography and its implementation challenges.

24 October 2022

Inauguration Zurich Office

On 24. October we have officially inaugurated our new Cyber-Defence Campus office in Zurich. At the centre of the inauguration stood the connection of all three CYD Campus locations in Thun, Zurich and Lausanne through the SCION network provided by Swisscom, Sunrise GmbH, SWITCH and Anapaya Systems.